The integrated Table Module is designed to handle the most discerning of table games at the best value in the industry. From simple fill and credit requests to managing a 24-hour operation with staggered rolling times, SYNKROS® gives you a hand in every game.

With new features inspired by feedback from casino operations executives, SYNKROS can supply tools for highly specialized table ratings. Making it possible to modify player ratings based on patron skill, game speed and play percentage to enhance predictions of when a win is in the air.
- Live patron ratings
- Drag and drop seat changes
- Pause ratings
- Track refused name, uncarded patrons
- Timed table headcounts, optional or required
- Configure table games to dynamically adjust DPH based on number of patrons at the table
- Patron images highlighted with card tier color indicator
- Include table game patrons in marketing programs and bonus offers
- Alert messages for patron incentives earned from table ratings
- Configure custom table speeds and patron skills for more accurate ratings and reinvestment
- Track side bets with configurable rating multipliers
- Customizable patron data points
Key Features
- Request fills, credits, and marker transfers
- Issue and buyback markers in the pit
- Buy in from patron Front Money account
- Issue comps
- Precise average bet calculation weighted by time
- Track table chip inventory with live Rack View
- MTL and CTR alerts
- Post and process table jackpots from the pit
- Configurable table views to limit which tables can be seen on each pit workstation
- Process table openers and closer
- Simple process wizards for moving patrons, closing tables, and rolling shifts
- Multiple or single shift operation